Nelligala International Buddhist Centre
Nelligala International Buddhist Centre is a recently constructed Buddhist Temple in Nelligala mountain in Kandy District. Construction of the Temple premises was started in 2015. This place houses sacred relics of Buddha and is easily accessible by vehicles due to well maintained road to the summit. Temple premises also has ample parking for visitors. Summit offers a beautiful view of the surrounding mountains of the hill country like Hanatana Mountain Range, Alagalla Mountain, Batalegala and Sri Pada Mountain. Golden Buddha Statues, Shrine house, Dageba are very scenic due to the beauty of the Environment surrounding the Nelligala Mountain. How to Reach Situated just 12km from Kandy city reaching Nellugala us easy. Take Aladeniya - Eriyagama Road after passing Pilimathalawa if you are using Colombo - Kandy Highway. Take Kurugama Tea Factory Road next to Muruthalawa Tea Factotry. After travelling for 1.7 km turn right to Nelligala Road. ...